Tips to cure baldness, dandruff

Recently, Lady Gaga joined the list of other celebrities to use anti-baldness cream as she feared she was losing more hair. It's not just who are possessive about their mane beauty. All of us fuss about hairstyle which is what makes one stand out. 

Here are a few common hair-related problems we encounter and some tips to overcome them 

Dandruff: Soak a few fenugreek (methi) seeds overnight in water and grind it to a fine paste in the morning. Apply the paste on the head for 30mins and wash off. This not just has cooling effect, but also keeps your hair dandruff-free. 

Hair fall: Mix cocnut and gingelly (sesame) oil. Add an amla (gooseberry), a few leaves of white hibiscus and boil for 20mins. Let the mixture cool and apply this oil on your head and wash off after 20 mins. This will help prevent hair fall. 

Grey hair: Soak henna in an iron vessel for at least 3 hours. Add sour curd and squeeze half a lemon to the paste and apply on the hair. Wash off after 2-3 hours. This will also keep the head cool. 

Lack-luster hair: Take egg white and apply on the hair. Leave it for 30 mins and rinse with shampoo. Egg gives shine to the dull hair. 

Brittle hair: If your hair is brittle due to over use of henna. Give your head an oil massage the day you wash the hair. This will not only enhance the hair colour, but also makes the hair smooth. 

Split ends: Get an oil massage done on your head. Dip the ends of your hair in hot coconut oil and wrap a tower dipped in hot water around the head. After sometime, wash off with cold water. 

After shampooing your hair, just wash your hair with cold water. This closes any open pores on the head and ensures the hair strands are sealed. 


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