Assange asylum: Ecuador president on sticky wicket

LONDON: Ecuador's Leftwing president, Rafael Correa, "strenuously denied" on Wednesday reports in a section of the British press that Ecuador has decided to grant political asylum to Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks, who sought sanctuary in the Ecuadorian embassy in London on June 19 last and is lodged there since. 

The Guardian newspaper reported on its website on Tuesday night that Correa had agreed to grant Assange asylum, quoting officials within Ecuador's government said to be familiar with "government discussions" (on the matter) in Quito. The Australian formally applied for political asylum when he entered the Ecuadorian mission , within which he has enjoyed diplomatic immunity. 

On Monday, Correa, who has said he will take a sovereign decision on Assange, told a state-run TV he would decide this week on the issue. He added that a large amount of material about international law had to be examined to make a responsible, informed decision. 

In April, Assange had interviewed Correa for his TV show on Russia Today. In the 75-minute programme Assange and Correa bonded over freedom of speech and the negative role of the US in Latin America. Correa has this year cracked down on private media. Analysts say that granting asylum to Assange could be a way for him to depict himself as a champion of free of speech ahead of next February's presidential elections. 

On Monday a government-owned daily in Ecuador, El Telegrafo , claimed a decision had already been made, although it did not specify what this was. Besides, Maria Augusta Calle, a legislator in Correa's party, said, "Our comrade the president, who leads our international policy, will grant Julian Assange asylum." 

But it remains unclear as to how Assange would leave Britain even if he is granted asylum in Ecuador. British Police have said he will be arrested for violation of his bail conditions the moment he steps out of the Ecuadorian embassy.


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