Like parents, like daughter? Chelsea mulls politics stint

NEW YORK: Chelsea Clinton, who on earlier occasions has ruled out stepping into politics, is now giving less definitive answers on her political ambitions. Asked if she would consider jumping into politics, the 32-year-old daughter of US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton said, "I don't know."

"Before my mom's campaign I would have said no. Not because it was something I had thought a lot about but because people have been asking me that my whole life," Chelsea, speaking of her mother's unsuccessful 2008 presidential bid, said in an interview for the September issue of Vogue. "And now I don't know... I mean, I have voted in every election that I have been qualified to vote in since I turned 18," Chelsea said.

Chelsea, who is working on a doctorate in international relations, is committed to building a more just and more equitable world. Chelsea Clinton is also a contributor for NBC News.


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