5 Innovative places to have sex

Whose love life (not sex life - yes, they are two different things altogether!) doesn't need a makeover? Well, maybe not a makeover exactly, but a whiff of romance and of course, all that kissing.

If you are bored of making out in the walls of your bedroom or if PDA at the beach is not really your scene, here are a few whacky places you can make out.

Revolving chair: We bet 90% of you reading this would be sitting in one right now. When it comes to making out, can it get any better than doing so on a revolving chair? Not only do they revolve, but they can also be pushed back! Think about it, you can literally go into a tizzy (with all the revolving) and who knows, your make out session might just lead into something else altogether. 

Washing machine: Are you wondering why? Why not?, we ask! It's about time you ditched the kitchen counter and the study table in your house and make out on the washing machine. Firstly, you can turn it 'on' (read between the lines) and then of course, set it to spin mode, where it vibrates, and ah well... the rest we leave to your imagination.

Water tank: Ever had a date on a terrace? Well, its about time you've had one! The night sky, the cool breeze and some fine wine to boot - it can't get more romantic than that can it? Turn it up a notch. You know that rusty ladder that leads up to your overhead water tank? Climb it. Once you are up there, you can make out all you want with the stars shining down upon you. Hum a song together. Go wild. 

Library: No, it's not nerdy. It is in fact, a super cool place where no one in their right minds would ever look. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be discreet. Remember Ross from F.R.I.E.N.D.S made out with his girlfriend in the anthropology section? Now, that's the kind of discreetness that we are talking about. Choose deserted portions of the library. History works best, we think! 

Roller coaster: Instead of screaming your lungs out, try making out on the roller coaster instead. The rush that you'd experience would increase manifold and no, not just because you're going down the ride. Sounds like a fantasy? Live it out, we say.


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